Going Home - A Film by Rafting Magazine — Rafting Magazine
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Going Home - A Film by Rafting Magazine

Going Home - A Film by Rafting Magazine

Slab Creek, South Fork American River, CA

For many boaters the best run is in your back yard. Our California crew largely hails from the Central Sierras growing up in and around the legendary stretches of California whitewater. To them Slab Creek on the South Fork American River is that run.

For a few of our crew they grew up playing, swimming in this river, learning to drive, hiking, fishing, and experiencing the wonder they would one day share with commercial rafting clients along the rivers of the world.

Slab creek spent 50 years dewatered from the dam project, but recent American Whitewater negotiated hard for the relicencing of this dam project to include recreational flow days. Now with reliable flows our team along with several friends get to re-experience our back yard run from our childhood in a different way. ...finally we're going home.

Also, we want to say a huge thanks to our many sponsors who helped support this project:

The Gear Shed - WRSI Trident Helmet

The Gear Shed - WRSI Trident Helmet

Availability of Knowledge in Rafting

Availability of Knowledge in Rafting